Monday, May 5, 2008

I had a good weekend. Everything was absolutely beautiful.Everything is in bloom and colorful. I especially love the scent of lilacs. I went for about a mile walk around my town on Saturday. It was really windy and brushed through my hair, the sun was warm and inviting. I wish the weekend could have been longer. Sunday I went to church, spent part of the day dooing chores and getting ready for my cousin Tina to come up from West Virginia. She spent the night with us last night. She is so much fun to have around.
I didn't ever mentioin that we found kittens Tuesday, April 29 in our shed out back. That was the night the temperatures were supposed to drop to freezing. We brought them in the house along with the Momma cat - Daisy. She is actually our neighbor's cat & kittens, but they don't really care much about them. When it warmed back up we put them back in our shed. The are getting bigger and their eyes are starting to open. I am so excited. I want to keep the black and white one... if we can.
Anyways, the weekend was great, it just wasn't long enough.
Tomorrow will be the third of my Drivers Education. All we do is watch videos and fill out work sheets. It can get really boring, but hey, I'll have my license this summer!

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